The 1990’s called, they want you to utilize modern innovation to listen in on your friends’ pager messages. Seriously, how many people are still utilizing pagers these days? We guess you can find out by building your own Software-Define Radio pager message decoder.

[Sonny_Jim] purchased an RTL2832 based USB dongle to listen in on ADS-B airplane communications only to find out the hardware wasn’t capable of interacting in that bandwidth range. So he set out to find a project the hardware was fit for and ended up checking out the POCSAG protocol utilized by paging devices. It turns out it’s not just utilized for person-to-person communications. There are still many automated systems that utilize the technology.

Setting things up is not all that hard. reading the comments on the project log show some people are having dependency issues, but these noise rather banal and will be a good chance for you to clean up on your Linux-fu. once all the bundles are installed you’re simply working with text which can be displayed in a myriad of ways. [Sonny] set up a text data on the Pi’s webserver to ensure that he can inspect out the most recent captures from a smartphone.

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