The Xbox 360 has the choice of parental controls. It limits the score of games which can be played on the system. [Oscar] didn’t truly requirement to eliminate the lock-out. It was just an fascinating proof of idea for him. In the picture above he’s holding up a Vinciduino board. It has an ATmega32u4 chip that can brute-force assault the Xbox 360 parental code (translated).
We’ve seen rather a few of these attacks lately. like the recent iPad pin attack this utilizes the microcontroller to emulate a keyboard. As you can see in the video, [Oscar] very first navigates the menu system to the unlock code screen, then plugs in his device.
The unlock screen requires a four-digit numeric PIN. That’s a overall of 10000 possible combinations. It looks quite sluggish in the demo, however according to his calculations the worst situation situation would still break the code in less than seventeen hours. obviously there’s no lock-out for the max number of wrong codes.